2nd Grade Play - Goin' Buggy

On February 24 and 25, Heathwood Hall Second Graders presented their class musical, “Goin’ Buggy.” An all-time curriculum favorite, the play is performed by the children to integrate with their study of insects and the Forest Habitat. Characters include ladybugs, grasshoppers, caterpillars who turn into butterflies, fireflies, ants, bees, crickets, a spider, and even Little Miss Muffet!  “Goin’ Buggy” is a charming, whimsical, half-hour revue in which our country’s largest constituency - the insect population – airs its grievances, points with pride at its accomplishments, and demands its rights. The songs, dances, and delightful humor of the show brought chuckles from adults as well as children.

Click here to see video of the Goin' Buggy Song.